Hormone Rehab Membership
What's includedThis membership is designed for clients who have SPECIFIC HORMONAL & OR GUT HEALTH CONCERNS that require in-depth nutritional guidance & testing
In this membership, you can take the guesswork out of it. Your testing is inclusive in this membership. The testing and ultimately it is the 1:1 hands on nature that will assist your journey and maximise your results.
Does this sound like you?
+ Reproductively challenged
+ Uterine health including PCOS, Endometriosis, Fibroids, Chronic PMS symptoms, Period irregularities, Acne and Mood /Mental health disorders
+ Thyroid Health
+ Metabolic dysfunction and difficulty in Energy Levels, Sugar Cravings, Abnormal Hunger Cues and Difficulty Losing Weight
+ Post - Pill Withdrawal (hormonal irregularities when coming off hormonal birth control)
+ Bloating and Gastrointestinal Discomfort
+ Peri-Menopausal
What do i get?Endocrine Tests: hormone profiles
Practically all systems in the body are controlled by hormones, yet poor diet, stressful lifestyles and exposure totoxins may disrupt hormonal levels, resulting in profound effects on health.
A range of functional tests are available to evaluate different hormones, including:
Adrenal Stress
Index Test
After your initial appointment, you will receive a health analysis of findings alongside your treatment plan, involving diet & lifestyle interventions, and a prescription of practitioner grade supplementation(s). This will also include further recommendations of any necessary functional testing.
Thyroid Hormone
To analyse thyroid hormone production and metabolism, the disruption of which affects virtually every metabolic process in the body, from mood and energy levels to weight and sex drive.Functional testing is crucial for early detection of thyroid issues and prevention of thyroid disease.
Female / Sex Hormones Profile
a test using saliva to track the female hormones over a cycle to find out where the imbalances are occurring. Vital to determine root causes of problems such as PMS, infertility and menstrual irregularity as well as menopause symptoms and systemic disorders
metabolism test
This test measures the ratio of ‘good’ to ‘bad’ oestrogens which can eitherencourage or inhibit breast cancer
membership includes:

fortnightly check-ins


functional testing included




Over 50 hours of educational resources

Personalised exercise regime for gym or home workouts
It’s hard to express how much Samantha’s support and guidance has changed me and the slippery slope downhill I was rapidly heading towards. I was extremely unfit, tired, a typical yo-yo dieter, dealing with peri-menopause, aching, and aging far too rapidly, to name just a few. My mentality (like so many) to lose weight; was to eat less, or knock out whole food groups, etc. I’d start on Monday, with enthusiasm but by Wednesday I’d given up. Samantha’s support and guidance every step of the way and her ever-increasing thirst for knowledge and how to apply it has truly changed my lifelong mindset. My journey is still very much, ‘a work in progress’ but almost a year down the track the change, not only physically but within, is huge.